Friday, March 7th
6:00 PM Stations
7:00 PM Lenten soup dinner
8:00 PM Young Adult-led Holy Hour
Sunday, March 16th
5 PM Mass
6 PM Dinner
7 PM Talk by Fr. Gregory Ramkissoon on Mustard Seed Communities
In collaboration with the Young Adult Ministry Division of the Archdiocese, we offer Theology on Tap events at Newman Pasadena. RSVP for our next one, which will be on Sunday, April 13th!
5 PM Mass
6:30 PM Dinner/Fellowship
7:30 PM Talk
St. Philip The Apostle’s Friends in Faith is where our large church gets small. Friends In Faith small groups provide a place to care for others and be cared for; a place to positively impact our community and the world; and provide a way for us to live out our faith in real life … together.
If you’re looking to grow in authentic friendship with other young women, to go deeper in your relationship with God, to commit to growth with others who will encourage you along the way … consider joining us for Magnify 90!
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible!