The mission of the Baptism Ministry is to instruct Parents and Godparents on the sacrament of Baptism, Faith and Christian Parenting. The ministry hopes to engage families in service of community as part of the "Call of the Baptized." The ministry's goal is to have available resources to allow them to answer that Call.
Meeting Information
• One 2 hour class a month
• Presenters require some Formation in Baptism and Sacraments
• Assist once a month at ceremony
• Volunteers are welcome to participate and support the ministry
Baptism is the beginning of the journey of faith for your child. Through baptism, your child will receive the Holy Spirit and becomes a disciple, a follower of Christ and a member of God’s family, the Church. It is your responsibility as the child’s parents to be the role models for your child on this journey of faith. This is why we have a special program to prepare the parents and godparents and to help them raise their consciousness about this important responsibility that God has entrusted to them.
For Parents: At least one parent must be a Catholic and both parents must be willing to raise the child in the Catholic faith.
For Godparents: Godparents are individuals who should be part of the life of the child and are willing to accept the responsibility of supporting their godchild in learning and living the Catholic faith through their own example. The godparents should be at least 18 years of age, baptized and confirmed Catholics, who have received their first communion, are practicing their faith, and if married, must be married in the Catholic Church.
If you choose to have only one godparent, then a person who is a baptized Christian can serve as a “Christian Witness”. The godparents and Christian Witnesses must also attend the baptism preparation class at St. Philip’s or provide a certificate of completion of a similar class in another parish. The godparents do not need to take the baptism preparation class if they have taken such a class within the last 4 years.
You will need to complete the application form
(Baptism Form) (Forma para Bautismo).
The form can be picked up from the Parish Office or you can download the form online.
You will need to turn in a copy of your child’s birth certificate to the office
If you come from another parish, please note that sacraments are normally received in the parish where one worships. Those coming from another parish must bring in a letter from the pastor of your parish granting permission to have your baptism at St. Philip.
Once you have these items you may turn them in to the Parish Office along with a $50 donation.
Baptism classes are held in English on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7PM in Room B in the Parish Center. The classes are held in Spanish on the 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30PM in Room B.
Children are not permitted to accompany the parents to the baptism classes. We love children. We also understand babysitting hardships. Please plan accordingly.
English baptisms are held on the 4th Saturday of the month at 10AM. Spanish baptisms are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10AM. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early.
Please call the Parish Office to verify the Baptism classes and Baptism dates.