8 am & 5 pm
7 am
9 am (livestream)
10:45 am
12:30 pm (Español, livestream)
5 pm
7 am & 12:05 pm (livestream)
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri
8 am - 12 pm
Monday - Friday
1 pm - 5 pm
Whether you’re here for a short visit, seeking a new parish, returning to your Catholic faith, or wanting to learn more about the Catholic Church, we’re glad to welcome you!
Healing Mass with Adoration, presided by Fr. Thomas Koller, OCD.
** All are welcome!
Procession after Mass to St. Andrew.
Adoration, Benediction, & Social after.
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Inspiring and welcoming, St. Philip's has become my second home.
Seen, heard &
The sisterhood that I have encountered here, refreshes my soul.
We are diverse, yet united, Eucharistic community that exists to live and share the Gospel of Christ.